Release v0.9.0
- add support and import-workflow for WFS-Layer by timeseries from CSV-files
- create GeoWebCache for NetCDF-Layers in workflow
- zoom when clicking on datapoint on the map
- add possibility for deleting shapefile-WFS
- improve ZoomToExtent-Control
- all layers can be set by URL-params
- unified handling of STA- and WFS-Layers
- remove proxy for WMS-GetMap- and GetLegend-Requests
- update GeoServer (and handle UrlChecks-Feature)
- removed Feature: StickyPopup, instead keep same timestep on layer-change if possible
- clustering of point-data more precise + size of points configurable
- on mobile: Controls for VectorLayer now collapsible
- (remove OWSLib from Backend)
- (great refactoring of Frontend)
- Low graphical quality of printed map
- NetCDF-Workflow not working when higher load on GeoServer
- Swiper not working after switching to STA-Layer
- STA/WFS: cannot unset filter by submitting empty filter-fields
- Shapefile-WFS: WFS-name only built by filename, not subpath
Edited by Christian Schulz
Merge request reports
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