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disable rewrite of minio api headers to ensure presigned objects can be retrieved from localhost

Bert Palm requested to merge proxy_redirect_fix into main

The ScheduleParserJob create a presigned URL [1] for a file that the parser download from the minio later.

A client (eg.parser) that lives outside the timeIO docker network one must adjust the url [2], because http://object-storage:9000 is not reachable. But this modification invalids the signature.

The suggested change undo the modification by forwarding within the proxy.

[1] eg. http://object-storage:9000/ufz-timese-demogroup-0a308[...]DemoFile.csv?[...]&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=aa024d8[...]

[2] eg. http://localhost:9000/ufz-timese-demogroup-0a308[...]DemoFile.csv?[...]&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=aa024d8[...]

Edited by Bert Palm

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