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HIFIS / Overall / hifis.net
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThe source code of the HIFIS homepage. --> https://hifis.net
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ELN-DIY-Meta / LabDataBridge
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
CAT4KIT / Cat4KIT Docker
MIT LicenseThis repository provides a Docker Compose setup for automatically deploying and running the entire Cat4KIT service on any server.
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GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyRossendorf Data Repository - https://rodare.hzdr.de
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A Django app to manage members, topics and more in an academic community
This project is subject to active development. We apologize for the lack in documentation and hope to improve on this in the near future.
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Dirk Baker / hifis.net
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThe source code of the HIFIS homepage. --> https://hifis.net
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Norman Müller (DLR, HIFIS) / hifis.net
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThe source code of the HIFIS homepage. --> https://hifis.net
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m-team / ai / cookiecutter-web
Apache License 2.0An application that reads a cookiecutter.json file and parses it to a webform.
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Idea collection of topics for RSE community events/workshops/hackathons/...
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Tempest Glodowski / hifis.net
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThe source code of the HIFIS homepage. --> https://hifis.net
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MLMD / mlmd
MIT LicenseUpdated -
web page created via GitLab
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Erenus Yildiz / Using Containers in Science
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International(latest) A workshop on how to use containerized solutions for scientific projects using Docker as an example.