It is our absolute pleasure to announce, that since Dec 10th 2021 we offer 20 Helmholtz Cloud Services.
### Helmholtz Cloud Services
It is our absolute pleasure to announce, that since Dec 10th 2021 we offer 20 Helmholtz Cloud Services. The services were offered by seven Helmholtz Centres and covers a comfortable range of science service categories.
#### New Services in November 2021
* Compute Projects by Jülich
* HAICORE by Jülich
* HIFIS Events by DESY
* JSC Data Projects by Jülich
* JupyterHub by DESY
* Jupyter on HAICORE by KIT
* LimeSurvey by DKFZ
* LimeSurvey by HMGU
* notes@DESY by DESY
* Singularity by Jülich
#### Information about Helmholtz Cloud
In the Helmholtz Cloud, members of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres provide selected IT-Services for joint use.
The Service Portfolio covers the whole scientific process and offers Helmholtz employees and their project partners a federated community cloud with uniform access for them to conduct and support excellent science. [Read more!]({% link services/cloud/ %})
#### Comments and Suggestions
If you have suggestions or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.