[edit] noun vs adjectives
classes that are defined as dispositions are either labelled with nouns (e.g. findability) or with adjectives (e.g. "findable"). We should decide for one connotation and harmonise class labels throughout HDO. This issue can be used to gather relevant classes in a list:
I would propose to change to generally change to nouns:
- qualities:
data openness -
FAIR -> FAIRness -
rich -> richness -
self-information -
semantic expresiveness -
structural quality -> structuredness
- dispositions:
findability -
findability according to the FAIR principles -
accessibility -
accessibility according to the FAIR principles -
interoperability -
interoperability according to the FAIR principles -
semantic interoperability -
reusability -
reusablilty according to the FAIR priciples
- dispositions
dereferencable ->dereferecenability -
machine-actionable ->machine-actionability -
machine-operable ->machine-operability -
machine-readible ->machine-readibility
please extend these lists based on the version of hdo-edit.owl in !19 (merged)
Edited by Leon Steinmeier