<li>{% if sig.mail %}<strong>Mailing list:</strong><ahref="mailto:{{ sig.mail }}">{{ sig.mail }}</a> {% if sig.list-name %}[<ahref="https://lists.desy.de/sympa/admin/{{ sig.list-name }}">admin</a>]{% endif %}<br>{% endif %}</li>
{% if sig.list-name %}
<li><spanclass="caret"><strong>How to subscribe</strong></span>
<li>Send a message to <ahref="mailto:sympa@desy.de">sympa@desy.de</a> from the adress you want to subscribe to the list.</li>
<li>In the subject line of your message, type in: <b>subscribe {{ sig.list-name }} Firstname Name</b> (indicate your own name)</li>
<li>Leave the message body blank.</li>
<li><spanclass="caret"><strong>How to subscribe</strong></span>
There are two ways to request subscription to this list: via the
web and via email. In either case, please read the instructions
<h3>Request via the web</h3>
<li>Navigate to the list's <ahref="https://lists.desy.de/sympa/subscribe/{{ sig.list-name }}">subscription page</a>, fill in your details and select the "I subscribe to list {{ sig.list-name }}" button.</li>
<li>You will soon receive an email. <strong>VERY IMPORTANT</strong>
you have <i>NOT YET</i> made a subscription request!</li>
<li>Follow the instructions in the email: either open the web
link or send an appropriate email.</li>
<h3>Request via email</h3>
<li>Send a message to <ahref="mailto:sympa@desy.de">sympa@desy.de</a> from the adress you want to subscribe to the list.</li>
<li>In the subject line of your message, type in: <b>subscribe {{ sig.list-name }} Firstname Name</b> (indicate your own name)</li>
<li>Leave the message body blank.</li>
<h3>Approval step</h3>
Once you have completed these steps, you have requested
subscription to the list. You request will then be processed by
the SIG coordinator (or someone acting with a similar role).
You should receive a confirmation email when your request has
been approved.
<li><spanclass="caret"><strong>How to unsubscribe</strong></span>
<li>From the address with which you subscribed to the list, send a message to <ahref="mailto:sympa@desy.de">sympa@desy.de</a>.</li>
@@ -50,7 +76,7 @@ title: Current work
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<h1id="gotoprojects">Current projects</h1>
@@ -91,5 +117,5 @@ The projects in which members of our group are or have been involved are listed