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22 results
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Commits on Source (38)
with 354 additions and 55 deletions
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# Backup files as created by most editors
# Git merge backups
This is the issue template for adding new Software Spotlights.
* please do not alter the assignments and labels.
* please add only one spotlight per merge request.
If you are looking for instructions how to add a software spotlight, please
Note about the preview app
Please provide us a direct link to the spotlight in the preview app. This
reduces the effort for all reviewers. A template is found below. Please replace
BRANCH_NAME with the name of the branch you are merging from, and <SLUG> with
the slug of your spotlight. Alternatively, wait until the pipeline finished
building the preview, and copy-paste the link here.
Credentials for preview app
The credentials for the preview app are (they are publicly available, so feel free to share them with your stakeholders):
User: hifis
Password: HIFISReview!
<!-- Delete this line and tell us about the spotlight -->
* :point_right: **[Review link](<BRANCH_NAME>/spotlights/<SLUG>)**
#### Checklist for authors
* [ ] Add a link pointing to the review app
#### Checklist for reviewers
* [ ] File size of images is not too large
* [ ] Update `date_added` attribute
* [ ] Centres are referenced by official names
* [ ] License is named by SPDX identifier if possible
* [ ] All links are pointing to the right place
/cc @frust45 @konrad @jandt-desy
/assign_reviewer @christian.meessen
/label ~"Software Spotlight"
/label ~"Progress::4_Can review"
......@@ -315,6 +315,8 @@ content:
### Workflow
Before you start, please make sure to add only one Spotlight per Merge Request.
1. If you are not a member of the [ repository](, create a fork of it in your own space.
2. Clone the repository to your local computer and follow the instructions
in the [](
......@@ -342,5 +344,4 @@ content:
| Any image in the paragraph | `/assets/img/spotlights/<name_of_spotlight>/` |
10. Push your changes to GitLab (either your repo, or a [branch in](
11. Create a Merge Request and mention @frust45, @konrad, @christian.meessen and
11. Create a new Merge Request. Below the title of the merge request, you will see a drop down list title "Description". Please choose `add_new_software_spotlight` as a template. The text field below will fill with some text and instructions that will help you creating the merge request.
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ source ''
# List of required gems
gem 'jekyll', '~> 4.2.2'
gem 'jekyll-paginate', '~> 1.1.0'
gem 'rouge', '~> 3.28.0'
gem 'rouge', '~> 3.29.0'
gem 'jekyll-redirect-from', '~> 0.16.0'
gem 'jekyll-feed', '~> 0.16.0'
gem "jekyll-sitemap", "~> 1.4"
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ GEM
rb-inotify (0.10.1)
ffi (~> 1.0)
rexml (3.2.5)
rouge (3.28.0)
rouge (3.29.0)
safe_yaml (1.0.5)
sassc (2.4.0)
ffi (~> 1.9)
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
jekyll-paginate (~> 1.1.0)
jekyll-redirect-from (~> 0.16.0)
jekyll-sitemap (~> 1.4)
rouge (~> 3.28.0)
rouge (~> 3.29.0)
webrick (~> 1.7)
yaml-lint (~> 0.0.7)
{% include top.html %}
{% assign spotlight_filters = "
t:hgf_research_field:Research field,
" | split: "," %}
{% assign spotlight_sort = "
-date_added:Date added,
" | split: "," %}
{% capture spotlight_filters_types %}
{%- for flt in spotlight_filters -%}
{%- assign flt_tan = flt | strip | split: ":" -%}
{%- if flt_tan.size == 1 -%}
{%- else -%}
{{- flt_tan[0] -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign spotlight_filters_types = spotlight_filters_types | split: "," %}
{% capture spotlight_filters_attrs %}
{%- for flt in spotlight_filters -%}
{%- assign flt_tan = flt | strip | split: ":" -%}
{%- if flt_tan.size == 1 -%}
{{- flt_tan[0] -}}
{%- else -%}
{{- flt_tan[1] -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign spotlight_filters_attrs = spotlight_filters_attrs | split: "," %}
{% capture spotlight_filters_names %}
{%- for flt in spotlight_filters -%}
{%- assign flt_tan = flt | strip | split: ":" -%}
{%- if flt_tan.size == 3 -%}
{{- flt_tan[2] -}}
{%- elsif flt_tan.size == 2 -%}
{{- flt_tan[1] | replace: '_', ' ' | capitalize -}}
{%- else -%}
{{- flt_tan[0] | replace: '_', ' ' | capitalize -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign spotlight_filters_names = spotlight_filters_names | split: "," %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/assets/css/spotlights.css' | relative_url }}">
......@@ -8,16 +64,65 @@
{% include title_image.html %}
<section class="events-container">
{% assign spotlights = site.spotlights %}
<article class="salert alert-success">
This is a selection of Helmholtz Software Spotlights, which will be continuously expanded and updated. Stay tuned and learn more about great research software projects!
This is a selection of Helmholtz Software Spotlights, which will be continuously expanded and updated. Stay tuned and learn more about great research software projects!
<article class="spotlights-filter">
<div class="left">
<input type="text" id="spotlightsFilterInput" placeholder="Search ..." onInput="spotlights_filter_input();">
<select id="spotlightsFilterSel" name="sel_filter" onChange="spotlights_filter_input();">
<option value="{{ spotlight_filters_attrs | join: ", "}}" selected>Everything</option>
{%- for flt_attr in spotlight_filters_attrs -%}
{%- unless spotlight_filters_names[forloop.index0] == "_" %}
<option value="{{ flt_attr }}">{{ spotlight_filters_names[forloop.index0] }}</option>
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor %}
<div class="right">
<label for="sel_sort">Sort by:</label>
<select id="spotlightsSortSel" name="sel_sort" onChange="spotlights_sort();">
{%- for sort in spotlight_sort %}
<option value="{{ sort | strip | split: ":" | first }}"{% if forloop.first %} selected{% endif %}>{{ sort | strip | split: ":" | last }}</option>
{%- endfor %}
<section class="events-container">
{% assign spotlights = site.spotlights %}
{% for spotlight in spotlights %}
<article class="list-entry">
<article class="list-entry"
{%- if spotlight.date_added %}
data-date_added="{{ spotlight.date_added }}"
{%- endif %}
{%- for flt_attr in spotlight_filters_attrs -%}
{%- if spotlight[flt_attr] -%}
{%- case spotlight_filters_types[forloop.index0] -%}
{%- when "a" %}
{%- if spotlight[flt_attr] %}
data-{{ flt_attr }}="{{ spotlight[flt_attr] }}"
{%- elsif spotlight[flt_attr].first -%}
data-{{ flt_attr }}="{{ spotlight[flt_attr] | array_to_sentence_string: "" }}"
{%- else %}
data-{{ flt_attr }}="{{ spotlight[flt_attr] }}"
{%- endif -%}
{%- when "t" %}
data-{{ flt_attr }}="{{ spotlight[flt_attr] }}"
{%- when "h" %}
data-{{ flt_attr }}="{{ spotlight[flt_attr] | strip_html | strip_newlines }}"
{%- endcase -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<div class="spotlight-image-block">
<div class= "image-container">
<a href="{{ spotlight.url | relative_url}}">
......@@ -25,7 +25,11 @@
{% if page.contributing_organisations %}
<h3>Contributing organisations</h3>
{% for org in page.contributing_organisations %}
<span>{{ org }}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}</span>
{% if org.link_as %}
<span><a href="{{ org.link_as }}" target="_blank">{{ }}</a> <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i>{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}</span>
{% else %}
<span>{{ }}{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
......@@ -45,18 +49,43 @@
{% endif %}
{% if page.funding %}
<h3><i class="fas fa-coins"></i> Funding</h3>
{% if page.funding.link_as %}
<span><a href="{{ page.funding.link_as }}">{{}}</a></span>
{% else %}
<span>{{ }}</span>
{% endif %}
<h3><i class="fas fa-coins"></i> Funding</h3>
{% if page.funding.size > 1 or page.funding[0].funding_text %}
{% for funder in page.funding %}
{% if funder.funding_text %}
<li class="collapsible closed">{{ funder.shortname }}</li>
<div class="funderInfo" style="display:none">
{% if funder.link_as %}
<a href="{{ funder.link_as }}" target="_blank">{{ funder.funding_text }} <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a>
{% else %}
{{ funder.funding_text }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if funder.link_as %}
<a href="{{ funder.link_as }}" target="_blank">{{ funder.shortname }} <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a>
{% else %}
{{ funder.shortname }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% if page.funding[0].link_as %}
<span><a href="{{ page.funding[0].link_as }}" target="_blank">{{ page.funding[0].shortname }} <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a></span>
{% else %}
<span>{{ page.funding[0].shortname }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.programming_languages %}
<h3><i class="fas fa-code"></i> Programming Languages</h3>
{% for obj in page.programming_languages %}
<span>{{ obj }}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}</span>
<span>{{ obj }}{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
......@@ -72,7 +101,7 @@
{% if page.doi %}
<h3><i class="fas fa-quote-right"></i> Cite</h3>
<a href="{{ page.doi }}">{{ page.doi }}</a>
<a href="{{ page.doi }}" target="_blank">{{ page.doi }} <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></a>
{% endif %}
......@@ -103,7 +132,7 @@
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ platform.link_as }}" title="{{ hint }}">
<a href="{{ platform.link_as }}" title="{{ hint }}" target="_blank">
<i class="{{ fa_icon }} fa-2x"></i>
......@@ -121,6 +150,7 @@
{% include footer.html %}
<script src="{{ '/assets/js/collapsibleList.js' | relative_url }}"></script>
......@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ layout: blogpost
- news
excerpt: >
HIFIS Education & Training developed a new online course which will take place for the first time May 23–24, 2022: Object-Orientated Programming in Python.
HIFIS Education & Training developed a new online course which will take place for the first time May 23–24, 2022: Object-Oriented Programming in Python.
## New HIFIS course: Object-Orientated Programming in Python
HIFIS Education & Training developed a new online course which will take place for the first time **May 23–24, 2022**: Object-Orientated Programming in Python. It aims at intermediate level users as some basic knowledge of Python is already required (variables, functions, loops, conditions). For details of the agenda have a look at the [course page](
## New HIFIS course: Object-Oriented Programming in Python
HIFIS Education & Training developed a new online course which will take place for the first time **May 23–24, 2022**: Object-Oriented Programming in Python. It aims at intermediate level users as some basic knowledge of Python is already required (variables, functions, loops, conditions). For details of the agenda have a look at the [course page](
## Object-Orientated Programming
Object-Orientated Programming (OOP) is a popular and widely used programming paradigm where programs are written to describe the involved elements and the interactions between these. This is a popular approach for modelling and simulation problems. Among the languages that use OOP are Java, C++, Ruby — and Python. The latter will be used in this class to teach the concept.
## Object-Oriented Programming
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a popular and widely used programming paradigm where programs are written to describe the involved elements and the interactions between these. This is a popular approach for modelling and simulation problems. Among the languages that use OOP are Java, C++, Ruby — and Python. The latter will be used in this class to teach the concept.
## Registration is open!
The registration for this course is open until Sunday 15th of May, so do not hesitate to [secure your place](! But please note, this is the first installment of this workshop. Bugs and hick-ups are to be expected. The instructors recommend to bring along some patience and popcorn ;)
title: "New HIFIS course: Continuous Integration in GitLab"
title_image: adi-goldstein-mDinBvq1Sfg-unsplash_shrinked.jpg
date: 2022-05-20
- klaffki
layout: blogpost
- news
excerpt: >
HIFIS Technology developed a new online course which will take place for the first time June 14–16, 2022: Continuous Integration in GitLab.
## New HIFIS course: Continuous Integration in GitLab
HIFIS Technology developed a new online course which will take place for the first time June 14–16, 2022:
[Continuous Integration in GitLab](
It aims at intermediate level users as some basic knowledge of Git and GitLab is required.
You should already have some experience with a Unix shell, too.
To refresh your acquaintance with the shell, you might want to have a look at [this introduction](
For a detailed agenda have a look at the [timetable](
## Pipelines, Automation and Optimization: What is CI?
Continuous Integration (CI) is a principle where all contributors commit their code regularly, in small amounts.
But nobody wants to check each file or, even worse, each commit for formal criteria like code styles or licensing.
GitLab CI is a tool to help with those tedious tasks — you can build a pipeline covering all your tasks and let it run with each commit before inserting the code.
This course will walk you through such a pipeline on Day 1.
On Day 2, you will learn how to optimize this pipeline with some advanced concepts and
on Day 3, it is time to bring along your own project and apply your new knowledge with the help of experts.
All this will happen at the [Helmholtz Codebase](, a free-of-charge GitLab service for anybody within Helmholtz and their partners.
It is already home to lots of projects, but there is always room for more.
## Registration is open!
The registration for this three-day course is open until Sunday, 5th of June, so do not hesitate to [secure your place]( and make sure you can log in to the Helmholtz Codebase via Helmholtz AAI!
......@@ -29,4 +29,6 @@ HIFIS,
_More information about the program and registration will be available here soon._
![Banner image for the Incubator Summer Academy]({% link assets/img/posts/2022-05-20-save-the-date-summer-academy/Incubator_Summer_Academy_visual_broad.jpg %})
title: "Recap: Workshop on RSE and FAIR at SE2022"
title_image: jason-goodman-Oalh2MojUuk-unsplash.jpg
date: 2022-06-08
- klaffki
layout: blogpost
- news
excerpt: >
The workshop "Let's talk FAIR for research software" looked into current practises in RSE and the relation to the FAIR Principles.
## Research Software Engineering and the FAIR criteria
Martin Stoffers (DLR, HIFIS Consulting), Tobias Schlauch (DLR, HIFIS Education), Alexander Struck (Humboldt University) and René Caspart (KIT) organised the workshop "Let's talk FAIR for research software".
The goal was to discuss practices in RSE in three parts:
Based on the HIFIS workshop [Foundations of Research Software Publication]( they identified topics to include in a future version of said workshop, e.g. "Release Management / Publication" and "Life Cycle Management".
The second part of the event connected the [FAIR Principles (Findablity, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reuse)]( to high performance computing in general,
while the last part deepened the aspect of Findable Research Software and how to overcome existing obstacles.
## Reaching out to relevant communities
The workshop covered topics highly relevant to HIFIS, but addressed a larger audience beyond Helmholtz:
it took place at SE2022, the annual conference of the department Softwaretechnik of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik, this year in Berlin from 21th to 25th February.
For more details and further reading see their just published [wrap-up of the event](
title: "Call for Abstracts for TEACH 2 is open"
title_image: photo-of-open-signage-2763246.jpg
date: 2022-06-16
- klaffki
layout: blogpost
- news
- education
- announcement
- event
excerpt: >
The second installment of the TEACH event is going to take place 9 November, 2022, in an online format. The Call for Abstracts is open now.
## TEACH 2—Open up!
The second installment of the TEACH event is going to take place **9 November, 2022,** in an online format.
It aims at bringing together Training Coordinators, Instructors and Trainers, Personnel Developers and Researchers.
The participants will exchange experience and best practices, collaborate and share resources on the whole education life cycle.
For more impressions have a look at the report from last year's [TEACH conference](
## Call for Abstracts is open
For TEACH 2022, the Call for Abstracts is already open. You can submit a proposal for a talk or discussion, a poster, an elevator pitch or a workshop.
For details see the [submission page](
Submit your abstract till **Sunday, 3 July, 2022,** and become part of an education network!
......@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ layout: spotlight
# The name of the software
# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
......@@ -43,11 +46,14 @@ keywords:
# At least one responsible centre
# Please use the full and official name of your centre
# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
- name: # Name
link_as: # Link (optional)
# List of scientific communities
......@@ -93,8 +99,9 @@ doi:
# Funding of the software (optional)
name: # Name
link_as: # Link (optional)
- shortname: # Abbreviation
funding_text: # Short text or sentence, if required by your funding guidelines (optional)
link_as: # Link (optional)
# Markdown
......@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ layout: spotlight
# The name of the software
name: Chemotion ELN
# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
date_added: 2022-01-17
# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
preview_image: chemotion_ELN/chemotion_logo_full.svg
......@@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ hgf_research_field: Information
# At least one responsible centre
- "KIT"
- "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)"
# Other contributing organisations (optional)
......@@ -91,15 +94,16 @@ application_type:
# List of programming languages (optional)
- Ruby, JavaScript, ReactJS
- Ruby, JavaScript, ReactJS
# DOI (without URL, just 10.1000/1.0000000 ) (optional)
doi: 10.1186/s13321-017-0240-0
# Funding of the software (optional)
name: KIT, DFG, State of Baden-Württemberg
link_as: # Link (optional)
- shortname: KIT
- shortname: DFG
- shortname: State of Baden-Württemberg
# Chemotion ELN - Electronic Laboratory Notebook & Repository for Research Data
......@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ layout: spotlight
# The name of the software
name: Digital Earth Viewer
# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
date_added: 2022-04-05
# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
preview_image: digitalearthviewer/dev_logo.png
......@@ -42,11 +45,11 @@ keywords:
# The Helmholtz research field
hgf_research_field: Earth and Environment
hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
# At least one responsible centre
- Helmholtz Centre For Ocean Research (GEOMAR)
- Helmholtz Centre For Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR)
# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
......@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ platforms:
- type: webpage
- type: gitlab
# The software license (optional)
license: EUPL-1.2
......@@ -100,8 +103,7 @@ doi:
# Funding of the software (optional)
name: Digital Earth (Helmholtz)
link_as: # Link (optional)
- shortname: Digital Earth (Helmholtz)
# Digital Earth Viewer
......@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ Several online showcases are hosted:
# Watch video
A short introduction to the viewer was given at EUROVIS2021:
A short introduction to the viewer was given at EUROVIS2021:
[<i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> Digital Earth Viewer: a 4D visualisation platform for geoscience datasets]( (*link to Youtube*)
......@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ A short introduction to the viewer was given at EUROVIS2021:
<img src="{{ | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/glodap.png"
onclick="'{{ | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/glodap.png', '_blank')"
width="16.5%" alt="dev images missing" style="cursor:pointer;">
<img src="{{ | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/glodap-ctds-norway.png"
<img src="{{ | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/glodap-ctds-norway.png"
onclick="'{{ | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/glodap-ctds-norway.png', '_blank')"
width="16.5%" alt="dev images missing" style="cursor:pointer;">
<img src="{{ | relative_url}}spotlights/digitalearthviewer/Pointcloud.png"
......@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ layout: spotlight
# The name of the software
name: EnPT
# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
date_added: 2021-11-18
# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
preview_image: enpt/logo.svg
......@@ -43,11 +46,13 @@ keywords:
# The Helmholtz research field
hgf_research_field: Earth and Environment
hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
# At least one responsible centre
- Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
- Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
- German Aerospace Center (DLR)
# Other contributing organisations (optional)
......@@ -100,8 +105,7 @@ doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3742344
# Funding of the software (optional)
name: German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (50 EE 0850)
link_as: # Link (optional)
- shortname: German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (50 EE 0850)
# EnPT - EnMAP Processing Tool
......@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ layout: spotlight
# The name of the software
name: FairMQ
# The date when the software was added to the spotlights YYYY-MM-DD
date_added: 2022-04-01
# Small preview image shown at the spotlights list page.
# Note: the path is relative to /assets/img/spotlights/
preview_image: fairmq/FAIR_Logo.svg
......@@ -22,7 +25,7 @@ excerpt: FairMQ is designed to help implement large-scale data processing workfl
# Jumbotron (optional)
# The path is relative to /assets/img/jumbotrons/
# Title at the top, inside the title-content-container
title: FairMQ - A message queuing library and framework
......@@ -36,12 +39,12 @@ keywords:
hgf_research_field: Matter
# At least one responsible centre
- Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research (GSI)
# List of other contributing organisations (optional)
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
- name: European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
# List of scientific communities
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ layout: spotlight
# Spotlight list attributes
name: FESOM
date_added: 2021-12-17
preview_image: fesom/FESOM2_logo-RGB_72dpi_iceblue.png
excerpt: FESOM (Finite-Element/volumE Sea ice-Ocean Model) is a multi-resolution sea ice-ocean model that solves the equations of motion on unstructured meshes.
# Title for individual page
......@@ -16,9 +17,9 @@ keywords:
- climate modelling
- High Performance Computing
- exascale
hgf_research_field: Earth and Environment
hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
- AWI Bremerhaven
- Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
- Earth System Modelling
......@@ -41,7 +42,9 @@ programming_languages:
- Fortran, C++
doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-765-2017
name: AWI, DFG, EU
- shortname: AWI
- shortname: DFG
- shortname: EU
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ layout: spotlight
# Spotlight list attributes
name: IGMAS+
date_added: 2021-11-18
preview_image: igmas_logo.png
excerpt: Modern geophysical interpretation requires an interdisciplinary approach and software capable of handling multiple inhomogeneous data like seismic, FTG gravity, magnetic and magnetotelluric in complex geological environments.
......@@ -13,9 +14,9 @@ keywords:
- Gravity
- Magnetic
- Modelling
hgf_research_field: Earth and Environment
hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
- GFZ Potsdam
- Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
- Structural Modelling
......@@ -38,8 +39,8 @@ programming_languages:
- Java
doi: 10.1190/1.1442546
name: GFZ
link_as: # Optional
- shortname: GFZ
link_as: # Optional
# IGMAS+ in a nutshell
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ layout: spotlight
# Spotlight list attributes
name: mHM
date_added: 2022-02-21
preview_image: mHM/mHM_textlogo.png
excerpt: The mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM) is a well established hydrological model used by the scientific community. It is under active development with dozens of contributors and has an open community always interested in discussions.
......@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ keywords:
- multiscale parameter regionalization
- seamless predicitions
- mHM
hgf_research_field: Earth and Environment
hgf_research_field: Earth & Environment
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
......@@ -39,8 +40,8 @@ programming_languages:
- Fortran
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5119952
name: UFZ
- shortname: UFZ
# mHM - mesoscale Hydrologic Model