- Apr 05, 2024
Norman Ziegner authored
Merge branch '6-ci-episode-7-exercise-1-using-includes-updated' into 'ci-episode-7-exercise-1-using-includes' Improve consistency with workshop materials and example project for episode 7 - using includes See merge request hifis/software/education/hifis-workshops/gitlab-ci/exercise-project!24
- Apr 04, 2024
Hueser, Christian authored
- Sep 29, 2023
Huste, Tobias authored
- Sep 20, 2023
Huste, Tobias authored
Huste, Tobias authored
* make sure installation works fine with more recent Debian versions * Use googletest 1.14.0 * get rid of CMAKE CMP0135 warning
- Mar 28, 2023
Hueser, Christian authored
Upgrade Python and Gcc Docker images used See merge request hifis/software/education/hifis-workshops/gitlab-ci/exercise-project!19
Hueser, Christian authored
* To fix the CI pipeline the Docker images are upgraded.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Use Python 3.10. * Add stages to pipeline. * Introduce new file to be included locally and move default keyword and extensions into that new file. * Add stage keyword to all CI jobs. * Reorder keywords in CI jobs that use extends keyword. * Use full relative path to executable when calling app. * Use needs keyword to define dependencies. * Use artifacts sub-key of nedds keyword in favour of dependencies keyword.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Add reference solution for exercise 1 in episode 7 regarding using includes to restructure the CI pipeline and splitting it up into multiple files.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Use python:3.11 image and gcc:11 and gcc:12 image in CI pipeline. * GoogleTest v1.13.0 supports only C++ >= 14. This requirement is not met with gcc:10, hence remove CI jobs with gcc:10 image.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Use stages instead of a pure stageless pipeline while still using the needs keyword to reorder execution of CI jobs.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Ues Python 3.10. * Reorder keywords when extends keyword is used. * Use full relative path to call exercise app. * Use artifacts sub-key of needs keyword. * Remove dependencies keyword from CI jobs in favour of needs sub-key artifacts. * Remove needs keywords that are not necessary because there are no dependencies.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Reference solution for exericse 1 in episode 6 uses a stageless pipeline and the interruptible keyword.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Use python:3.11 image and gcc:11 and gcc:12 image in CI pipeline. * GoogleTest v1.13.0 supports only C++ >= 14. This requirement is not met with gcc:10, hence remove CI jobs with gcc:10 image.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Reorder keywords in CI jobs and put extends keyword first. * Use Python 3.10 as default base image. * Use full path to executable of exercise app when calling app.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Remove redundancies from CI pipeline by using defaults, extends and matrix keywords.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Use python:3.11 image and gcc:11 and gcc:12 image in CI pipeline. * GoogleTest v1.13.0 supports only C++ >= 14. This requirement is not met with gcc:10, hence remove CI jobs with gcc:10 image.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Use Python 3.10 as base images. * Change path to executable when calling exercise app in job run.
Hueser, Christian authored
* New CI jobs are license_compliance, lint, build, test, run.
Hueser, Christian authored
* Re-add CI pipeline with initial CI job that builds and runs the application.
Hueser, Christian authored
Adapt README regarding CMake minimum version See merge request hifis/software/education/hifis-workshops/gitlab-ci/exercise-project!18
Hueser, Christian authored
* CMake minimum version has been decreased.
Hueser, Christian authored
Downgrade CMake requirements to 3.14 See merge request hifis/software/education/hifis-workshops/gitlab-ci/exercise-project!17
Hueser, Christian authored
* CMake need not be used in the lastest version 3.26.
- Mar 16, 2023
Hueser, Christian authored
Update project dependencies like cmake and cpp Closes #4 See merge request hifis/software/education/hifis-workshops/gitlab-ci/exercise-project!12
Hueser, Christian authored
* Update information in file README and file CMakeLists.txt to use cmake 3.26 and C++14. * Add information on how to install cmake. * Use different GoggleTest URL for newest Git tag v1.13.0.
- Jun 14, 2022
Hueser, Christian authored
Fix instructions in file README Closes #2 See merge request hifis/software/education/gitlab-ci/exercise-project!10
Hueser, Christian authored
* Built executable is located in folder ./build/bin/ now.
- Jun 08, 2022
Hueser, Christian authored
Put executable into bin directory during build See merge request hifis/software/education/gitlab-ci/exercise-project!4
Hueser, Christian authored
* The built executable should be put into the bin folder.
- Jun 07, 2022
Huste, Tobias authored
Fix linting violations and errors in cmake project Closes #1 See merge request hifis/software/education/gitlab-ci/exercise-project!2
Hueser, Christian authored
* Fixed style guide violations detected by cpplint. * Fixed errors in the cmake project when building the project.
- May 10, 2022
Huste, Tobias authored