Proposal for 1.0.1 to achieve Milestone 2
Version 1.0.1
@lucas.kulla @esoeding @karl-uwe.stucky @steinm01 @henrik.lange @clemster
Following this proposed Versioning Scheme #34 and benefiting from agreement on #40 (closed)
- Validate all hubs-dumps against a corrected 1.0 so we don't need to touch them twice
- Unterstütz Data Processing aktivität
- mostly error fixes avoiding breaking changes where possible
- to achieve next milestone 2. Data is cleaned and merged into one common format (expired)
needs to be implemented and then merged
update"$id", "title", "description" values in category schemas (#6) once #40 (closed) is settled - I started a branch for this already
settle #33 (closed) -
ammend recordMetadata with -> !25 (merged) -
Schema Version (proposal in #23) - the "schemaVersion" field was stripped again for now, as its information is also part of the $id field, as of:
Schema Category and which Hub (orginally) mapped what (#36 (closed))
Open- / Closed-World Policy or Strict vs. Soft Validation -> see #44 (closed) -
have a gitlab tag for this version once 2. Data is cleaned and merged into one common format has been tackled 😄
merged as approved by TF-DP 29.07.22
24! (disallow "other" as a 'dateType' of commonProperties) -
in a next version we should refactor date Fields (Uwe had a suggestion) see #42
Data Sources: !22 (Update hmc_data_source_1_0_0.json to make "apiProtocol" optional) -
!21 ('contactUri' allows for email-adresses but the Schema allows only the format 'uri' which a "normal" mail-adress does not conform to) -
!20 (propertyNames is not complete) -
!19 (changed two mentions of 'SoftwareType' to 'softwareType') -
!9 (merged) Adds scientificDiscipline for transportation engineering
Pascal approved and mergedI went ahead and merged all of the developer branchs commits (as listed below) into master. Merge conflicts where minor. But you might want to have a look at the commits of this list here that are not checked, weather you agree that they should be part of 1.0.1
Repos: Update hmc_repository_1_0_0.json to make 'apiProtocol' not required. -
fixed hmc_repository_1_0_0.json to be in line with #10 (closed) -> ("Mapping Schema: Category "Repository" - occurence for 3 fields to be checked") -
This might brake 'mappings' -> have to keep in mind when validating
Make "nameLanguage" (1.3) a non-required field (Issue 15) -
Resolve "Add "Subject Agnostic" to the controlled list "scientificDiscipline"" which closes #14 (closed) -
Resolve "SPDX identifier is missing" -
Feature/minimum resolves -> added enforcment of minimum of 1 for required fields !4 -
Update hmc_software_1_0_0.json softwareType should start with lowercase -
First version for a dataset schema? #41 -
I have merged this for now, but the Dataset schema seems to be a deprecated project anyways?
left for a next version
see issues listed in