Projects with this topic
Set of tools to harvest, process and uplift (meta)data from metadata providers within the Helmholtz association to be included in the Helmholtz Knowledge Graph (Helmholtz-KG). The harvested linked data in the form of jsonld is aggregated and uplifted in data pipelines to be included into a single large knowledge graph (KG). The tool set and harvesters can be used as a python library or over a commandline interface (CLI, hmc-unhide). Provenance of metadata changes is tracked rudimentary by saving graph patches of changes on rdflib Graph data structures on the semantic triple level. Harvesters support extracting data via sitemap, gitlab API, datacite API and OAI-PMH endpoints.
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This PAS is a GUI-based collection of tools that helps users discover and run Python scripts from a folder and its subfolders. It provides a convenient way to execute Python and Pythonw files directly from a graphical interface, with additional features like automatic library installation and organized program listing. Included are scripts to analyze different data types.
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Terminal-based Python scripts to automate processing and classifying of xylem cavitation and optical dendrometry image sequences.
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graphical interface that allows the simultaneous collection of data coming from a Pressure sensor, PL spectrometer, and camera.
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A Python Ecosystem for Harvesting Datasets information from Thredds Data Server and Cultivating STAC-Metadata.
Please have a look at for the documentation.
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A quick introduction to the data science framework pandas.
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A Python package to provide seamless functionality for INSerting, UPDating, and DELeting STAC-Metadata toward either pgSTAC or STAC-API.
Please have a look at for the documentation.
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A Python Ecosystem for Harvesting Time Series data information from SensorthingsAPI (STA) and Cultivating STAC-Metadata.
Please have a look at for the documentation.
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A Python Ecosystem for Harvesting Datasets information from Amazon S3 via INTAKE catalog and Cultivating STAC-Metadata.
Please have a look at for the documentation.